From the HP-UX Veritas Administration guide, buried on page 106
This example shows how to create an LVM root disk on physical disk c0t1d0
after removing the existing LVM root disk configuration from that disk.
BOOTBG=$(vxdg bootdg)
vxprint -htg $BOOTDG | grep ^dm
dm rootdisk01 disk233_p2 auto 1024 142450592 –
dm rootmirr disk234_p2 auto 1024 142450592 –
# You get the boot disk from this command. Break off the s2 if you are using legacy devices you can use them or the agile SDF devices.
# You may need to use vxbrk_mirror to break the mirror. Make sure you know which disk you are booted from. Check syslog to be sure. setboot is not a good indicator.
# Due to a wordpress error I’ve been forced to take the path etc vx bin out of the commands. I will fix this when wordpress stops blowing chunks on this data. Where there are spaces there need to be slashes.
# etc vx bin vxdestroy_lvmroot -v c0t1d0
# etc vx bin vxres_lvmroot -v -b c0t1d0
The -b option to vxres_lvmroot sets c0t1d0 as the primary boot device.
As these operations can take some time, the verbose option, -v, is specified to
indicate how far the operation has progressed.
This command takes care of setboot and all details. Then just boot from the console.
This procedure does not remove VxVM software. The daemon still runs. But your system now boots LVM and that makes using Dynamic Root Disk (DRD) much easier.
Tags: Capacity Planning,, high capacity volume group, Ignite-UX, patching, superdome, system migration
Thanks to Jibn Antony of the Best Buy IDC team for validating.
So who cares what the root shell is? You do if you try to boot your system into single user mode with root shell changed to a shared executable shell, you will find out the hard way. The system won’t boot.
HP-UX 11.23
setboot provides output only including the hardware path (ioscan -H).
When calculating DRD clone targets and such you need the regular legacy device path.
Here is a converter, built with a little help from JRF on the ITRC forums.
First get the setboot path. Might want to use the full path of the setboot command in practice.
pboot=$(setboot | grep ^Primary | awk ‘{ print $NF }’);
aboot=$(setboot | grep ^Alternate |awk ‘{ print $NF}’);
abootdisk=$(ioscan -kfnCdisk | awk -v aboot=${aboot} ‘/aboot/ $0~aboot {getline;print aboot,$2}’ | awk ‘{ print $2 }’);
pbootdisk=$(ioscan -kfnCdisk | awk -v aboot=${pboot} ‘/pboot/ $0~pboot {getline;print pboot,$2}’ | awk ‘{ print $2 }’);
The slick part is getting the variable in and out of awk.
Uses ioscan.
Tags: fiber channel adaptor, high capacity volume group, integrity, system migration
Task | Legacy Command | nwmgr Command |
Display command help | lanadmin -X -H 900 | nwmgr –help -S apa |
View link aggregate status | lanadmin -x -v 900 | nwmgr -c lan900 |
Create a MANUAL mode link aggregate | lanadmin -X -a 1 2 900 | nwmgr -a -A links=1,2 -A mode=MANUAL -I 900 -S apa |
Create a failover group | lanapplyconf | nwmgr -a -A links=1,2 -A mode=LAN_MONITOR -I 900 -S apa |
Remove all ports from a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -c 900 | nwmgr -d -A links=all -I 900 -S apa |
Remove all ports from a failover group | landeleteconf -g lan900 | nwmgr -d -A links=all -c lan900 |
Remove specific ports from a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -d 1 2 900 | nwmgr -d -A links=1,2 -I 900 -S apa |
Update the load balancing algorithm and group capability for a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -l LB_MAC 900 lanadmin -X -g 900 900 900 | nwmgr -s -A lb=LB_MAC, gc=900 -I 900 -S apa |
Update the group capability and configuration mode for a port | lanadmin -X -p 3 900 900 lanadmin -X -p 3 FEC_AUTO 900 | nwmgr -s -A gc=900, mode=FEC_AUTO -I 3 -S apa |
Update the group capability for a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -g 900 900 900 | nwmgr -s -A gc=900 -I 900 -S apa |
Update the administrative key and load balancing for a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -k 900 900 900 lanadmin -X -l LB_IP 900 | nwmgr -s -A key=900 -A lb=LB_IP -I 900 -S apa |
Update the administrative key and configuration mode for a port | lanadmin -X -k 4 900 900 lanadmin -X -p 4 LACP_AUTO 900 | nwmgr -s -A key=900 -A mode=LACP_AUTO -I 4 -S apa |
Update the administrative key for a port | lanadmin -X -k 4 900 900 | nwmgr -s -A key=900 -I 4 -S apa |
Update the load balancing | lanadmin -X -l LB_IP 900 | nwmgr -s -A lb=LB_IP -I 900 -S apa |
Set the configuration mode on a port | lanadmin -X -p 5 MANUAL 900 | nwmgr -s -A mode=MANUAL -I 5 -S apa |
Set the system priority on a port | lanadmin -X -s 5 10 900 | nwmgr -s -A sys_pri=10 -I 5 -S apa |
Display the MAC address | lanadmin -a 900 | nwmgr -A mac -c lan900 |
Display the speed | lanadmin -s 900 | nwmgr -A speed -c lan900 |
Display the MTU, MAC address, and speed | lanadmin -m -a -s 900 | nwmgr -A mtu,mac,speed -c lan900 nwmgr -A all -c lan900 |
Display group capability | lanadmin -x -g 5 900 | nwmgr -A gc -I 5 -S apa |
Display aggregate port status | lanadmin -x -i 900 | nwmgr -A all -c lan900 |
Display administrative key | lanadmin -x -k 5 900 | nwmgr -A key -I 5 -S apa |
Display load balancing algorithm | lanadmin -x -l 900 | nwmgr -A lb -c lan900 -S apa |
Display port status | lanadmin -x -p 5 900 | nwmgr -A mode -I 5 -S apa |
Display system priority | lanadmin -x -s 5 900 | nwmgr -A sys_pri -I 5 -S apa |
Display current port priority | lanadmin -x -t 5 900 | nwmgr -A port_pri -I 5 -S apa |
Display aggregate status | lanadmin -x -v 900 | nwmgr -v -c lan900 |
Check network connectivity | linkloop -i 900 0xaabbccddeeff | nwmgr –diag -A dest=0xaabbccddeeff -c lan900 |
Get statistics | lanadmin -g 900 | nwmgr –st -c lan900 |
Monitoring statistics | apa-monitor -p 5 | nwmgr –st monitor -S apa -I 900 |
Reset an APA interface | lanadmin -r 900 | nwmgr -r -c lan900 |
Reset statistics | lanadmin -c 900 | nwmgr -r –st -c lan900 |
View basic help | lanadmin -x -h 900 | nwmgr -h -S apa |
View verbose help | lanadmin -X -H 900 | nwmgr -h -v -S apa |
Clear data flows on a link aggregate | lanadmin -X -o 900 | nwmgr -r -q data_flow -c lan900 |
List all interfaces on the system | lanscan | nwmgr |
List all APA interfaces | lanscan -q | nwmgr -S apa |
When you complete getting APA to work exactly what you want it to save your configuration with the following command: nwmgr -s -S apa -A all –saved –from cu
nwmgr -s -f -c lan1 -A mtu=1500 –cu
### change mtu on lan1 to 1500 (lanadmin -M 1 1500)
Found some really useful information on APA. So good I won’t risk it disappearing. Pretty much here for my own reference.
Tags: system migration, wwn
This was written by a former colleague. It is better than anything else I have seen. SEP
Mirroring a Boot Disk with LVM on HP-UX 11i for HP Integrity
The following diagram shows the disk layout of a boot disk. The disk
contains a Master Boot Record (MBR) and Extensible Firmware
Interface (EFI) partition tables that point to each of the partitions. The
command is used to create the partitions (see idisk (1M)).
Figure 6-5 Example LVM Disk Layout on HP Integrity Server
Before starting the procedure, make sure that add-on product HP
MirrorDisk/UX (B5403BA) is installed. This product is an extra-cost
product available on the HP-UX 11i application release media. For
swlist -l fileset | grep -i mirror
Step 1.
Partition the disk using the idisk command and a partition description
Create a partition description file. For example:
vi /tmp/idf
In this example the partition description file contains:
HPUX 100%
an EFI partition, an HP-UX partition, and an HP Service partition.
Boot disks of earlier HP Integrity Servers may have an EFI partition
of only 100MB and may not contain the HPSP partition.
The values in the example represent a boot disk with three partitions:
Partition the disk using idisk and your partition description file:
idisk -f /tmp/idf -w /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0
To verify you can run:
idisk /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0
Step 2.
the partitions. For example:
Use the insf command with the -e option to create the device files for all
insf -e -H 0/18/1/2/
You should now have eight device files for this disk:
(This refers to the entire disk)
(This refers to the EFI partition)
(This will be the HP-UX partition)
(This refers to the Service partition)
Step 3.
Use pvcreate to make the HP-UX partition of the disk an LVMmanaged
pvcreate -B /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s2
Step 4.
Add the disk to vg00:
vgextend vg00 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
Step 5.
Place the boot files on the disk using mkboot:
mkboot -e -l /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0
Step 6.
Copy any autoboot file from the original boot disk to this one.
partition to the current directory. Make sure to use the device file
with the
Use efi_cp to copy the AUTO file from the original boot disk’s EFIs1 suffix, as it refers to the EFI partition:
efi_cp -d /dev/rdsk/cntndns1 -u /efi/hpux/auto ./AUTO
Copy the file from the current directory into the new disk’s EFI
efi_cp -d /dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s1 ./AUTO /efi/hpux/auto
Step 7.
volume group onto the desired physical volume. The logical volumes
must be extended in the same order that they are configured on the
original boot disk. Use the
determine the list of logical volumes and their order. For example:
Use the lvextend command to mirror each logical volume in the rootpvdisplay command with the -v option to
pvdisplay -v /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 | grep ’current.*0000$’
00000 current /dev/vg00/lvol1 00000
00038 current /dev/vg00/lvol2 00000
00550 current /dev/vg00/lvol3 00000
00583 current /dev/vg00/lvol4 00000
00608 current /dev/vg00/lvol5 00000
00611 current /dev/vg00/lvol6 00000
00923 current /dev/vg00/lvol7 00000
01252 current /dev/vg00/lvol8 00000
In this example, mirror the logical volumes as follows:
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol2 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol3 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lv0l4 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol5 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol6 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol7 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol8 /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
lvextend fails with following message:
“m”: Illegal option
then HP MirrorDisk/UX is not installed.
Step 8.
Update the root volume group information:
lvlnboot -R /dev/vg00
Step 9.
disk and that the boot, root, and swap logical volumes appear to be on
both disks:
Display the BDRA. Verify that the mirrored disk is displayed as a boot
lvlnboot –v
Step 10.
Specify the mirror disk as the alternate boot path in nonvolatile memory:
setboot -a path_to_disk
Step 11.
text editor:
Add a line to /stand/bootconf for the new boot disk using vi or another
vi /stand/bootconf
l /dev/dsk/c3t1d0s2
l denotes LVM.
Tags:, high capacity volume group, ia64, Ignite-UX, integrity, LVM, software mirror, superdome, system migration
This is our first case study. The events leading up to it occur between 1998 and 2002. It is a real life case study based on my experience. For legal reasons, I can not identify the organization. It is a charity that raises now around $100 million, 92% of funds raised go to actual charitable work. 8% is overhead. IT infrastructure is overhead, even though it is critical to actually raising funds.
From 1991-2005 I worked at this charity in IT, first as a programmer analyst, then as a dba, finally becoming the backup Unix Admin in 1998 and the full time Unix Admin in 2000. The organization ran its legacy fund raising systems on a pair of D class HP-UX systems. The back end database was Software AG adabas. The user fund raising community wanted to have an sql like ability to look into the database and run queries. they wanted flexible use of strategic data. An attempt was made in early 1997 to install a sql front end, but it did not provide acceptable results.
An internal study was done and it was decided in late 1997 to migrate legacy systems to a web based front end, with Oracle as the back end database, Oracle Application Server using forms and reports to build applications. Initially no plan was made to migrate to stronger hardware, due to the assurance from Oracle that their software would run on the existing infrastructure.
By 2000 it was obvious that this was not true. Though the database server itself ran acceptably, there was not sufficient memory or disk capacity to run the application server. So I was asked to prepare a plan to migrate legacy systems. Here were the guidelines:
Overall, I thought this was a solid foundation. Some of the points were made by management, some were suggested by me.
The following basic technical requirements were developed:
Deployment Diagram
Other Relevant facts on the decision making process.
Three vendors were picked to provide proposals. All ended up recommending HP-9000 L2000(later renamed rp5450) servers. Here are the highlights:
How it went:
Note: This document was designed entirely using the wordpress interface and a Linux system. The diagram was created with a free Linux alternative to visio called dia. The tool is in evaluation, and might be replaced. Still a pretty good start. Cost to produce this environment in licensing fees?: Zero dollars.
Tags: Capacity Planning,, HP-UX, Ignite, Ignite-UX, LVM, migration, patches, system migration