Welcome to hpux.ws
This site was created for two reasons. It was meant to document procedures, scripts and…
Read MoreGeneral Systems Administration
This site was created for two reasons. It was meant to document procedures, scripts and…
Read MoreMaintain a legacy golden image in case problem is discovered with a newly developed build…
You stand up a new HP-UX host. sudo and ldap won't work. You know it…
From the HP-UX Veritas Administration guide, buried on page 106 This example shows how to…
Create a partition description file (Need to update the EFI and HPSP size below according…
Thanks to Jibn Antony of the Best Buy IDC team for validating. So who cares…
swlist -l fileset -a state | grep -v config | sed '/^#/d' Output looks…
HP-UX 11.23 setboot provides output only including the hardware path (ioscan -H). When calculating DRD…
# vi /tmp/idf 3 EFI 500MB HPUX 100% HPSP 400MB Use the idisk command to…
Lets say I have a list of servers a mile long to visit. Got a…
I needed to update documentation and I needed more information that my prior syslayout.sh script…