Performance Measurement using measureware
Measureware Extract Documentation Necessary Processes: root@myserver:/tmp/fog> ps -ef | grep scopeux …
Measureware Extract Documentation Necessary Processes: root@myserver:/tmp/fog> ps -ef | grep scopeux …
Serviceguard stand up Notes: Important parts of the .ascii file. CLUSTER_NAME prod_sgcluster HOSTNAME_ADDRESS_FAMILY IPV4 FIRST_CLUSTER_LOCK_VG…
scsimgr is the tool of choice for getting rid of storage that is in the…
I recently encountered a volume group that was part legacy devices, part dsf agile. root@protterdbsvr1:/root/shuffle>…
I really published this as a self reference document so I can find it next…
Data looks like this DFW1HCMDB999 dfw1hcmdb998 :%s/.*/\L&/g Suddenly the data is lower case.
We want storage to check performance on three possibly problematic LUNS. Need to get the…
So you lose a boot disk on a vxvm booted system. You hot replace the…
This is an improvement to fixing the problems if you do blow things up. Click…
Take note of the fcmsutil output below. One of the fiber cards has failed here.…